Longitudinal Predictors of Eating Disorders
One of the first steps to improving the prevention of eating disorders is to establish risk factors. We are currently conducting a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies that have attempted to predict an eating disorder outcome.
Mobile Technology, Mindfulness, and Eating and Exercise behaviors
By using mobile-technology (ecological momentary assessment), this study elucidates how state mindfulness is associated with eating disorder behaviors.
Digital Mindfulness Training for Individuals with Anorexia Nervosa
We are currently conducting a pilot study evaluating a digital mindfulness-based intervention for anorexia nervosa. We are recruiting individuals who have recently recovered from anorexia nervosa for a two-week digital mindfulness-based intervention.
Stereotypes in Eating Disorder Recognition
We are currently conducting several studies investigating different stereotypes in eating disorder recognition.
Mindfulness Networks
We are using network analysis to understand the associations between trait mindfulness and psychopathology