Mindfulness Training for Individuals with Anorexia Nervosa Research Study
The purpose of this study is to evaluate an initial version of a web-based mindfulness training for individuals with anorexia nervosa. Eligible participants will be asked to complete: (1) an initial baseline assessment including one web-lesson that will take approximately 40 minutes to complete; (2) daily mini-sessions (10-15 minutes) of audio-guided mindfulness meditation for two weeks; (3) daily brief assessments (5 times per day) for two weeks; (4) two brief Zoom calls with research study staff; and (5) and end of study online assessment. This study takes place entirely online.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if I qualify for this study?
You must be 18 years of age or older to participate. You must also currently meet criteria for Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and be medically stable. All inclusion criteria will be evaluated during the first phone assessment (see below). Finally, you will need to have access to a smartphone and be able to do Zoom-based calls.
Where does the study take place?
The study can be completed from anywhere in the United States, as it is entirely virtual.
What will the study involve?
You will first complete an online pre-screen. You will then complete a phone screening to determine study eligibility. If you are deemed eligible to continue participating in the main portion of the study, you will complete baseline questionnaires and the 40 minute web-lesson. You will then complete surveys on your smartphone five times a day (five to ten minutes each) for two weeks. You will also be asked to complete 10-15 minute mini-sessions of audio-guided mindfulness meditation for two weeks. After two weeks, you will be asked to complete an online end-of-study assessment (approximately 30 minutes).
Will I be compensated for this study?
You will be paid up to $120 for participation, depending on how many assessments you complete.
Who can I contact for more information?
Those interested can contact the study principal investigators, Margaret Sala at margarita.sala@yu.edu or Corey Roos at corey.roos@yale.edu